Wednesday, April 29, 2009

orange, the sacral chakra

Orange is joyful!
Its water element brings
Us fluidity.


  1. Hello Margaret, I like the good that my blog and my look "futuristic."
    Your blog too? very interesting, I like art too.

    I did courses in art, photography and webdesign (hence my blog? Very interesting).

    I am here and I hope that this message is translated correctly as I am testing a translator that I found here on the Internet.

    A large open? The point you and I? Understand the part that you said something about Brazil .. I can talk again?


    To kiss and more!


  2. This is gorgeous! What a lovely shot!

  3. I love this picture. Is beatiful

  4. Thanks to Kim and FotoMorfo for visiting my blog! Best, Margaret

  5. Sorry for not visiting as much as I would like to. I have been really busy, and am behind on my commenting. This is an absolutely gorgeous picture. I especially love sunrise & sunset--beautiful times of day, which you have captured so well in this photo.
