Sunday, November 1, 2009

in loving memory

In loving memory of those who have gone on before.
All Saints' Day ~ All Souls' Day


  1. my candle is burning. That's what you do in Germany, you go to the cemetery, tidy up he grave(s), put fresh flowers or more likely, green wreaths, on the grave and light a candle, one of those that burn for 48 hours. As all my nearest and dearest are buried in Europe I have to burn a candle here in the UK for all of them at the same time, in absentia.

  2. This beautiful post already had me feeling sentimental and then I read Friko's comments and was further touched. Lovely.

    (Margaret, I'm not sure if you have read my replies to your comments at my blog about Finian's. We are not coming to NY; I think the review I published may have given you that opinion. I'm going to depend upon you to blog about it so I can be there vicariously. It's such an exciting anniversary treat!)

  3. a candle burned in our home and hearts all day long. peace in fullness. steven

  4. The moon was extra bright last night, complementing the candles I burned for All Saints' Day.

  5. Hi Margaret! thoughts were with my Grandfather on All Saints Day. He was my saint in chaos and I really miss him!
    Did you catch the full moon? I got a few photos on my blog! I moved over to the big cottage next door on the weekend, it has an upstairs deck facing the woods (where I take most of my sunset shots), I have the tripod set up there so I can take some cool night photos! I'm definitely going to get a telephoto lens soon though, I want to photograph the craters!!! LOL

  6. To Friko, Steven, Wanda~ Interesting that you all burned candles on this day of remembrance. It's a beautiful tribute to their memories. I think I maentioned that in France they put chrysanthemums on the graves of their passed on family members. Friko, we put a grave blanket of evergreens at Christmastime. I always think my Dad is somehow warmer that way.
    To Lydia and Rain~ I could feel that you both had deep feelings about those that passed on before and were touched by your memories: Lydia, your Mom, and Rain, your grandfather. p.s. I left a comment on your blog, Lydia, re the play, and on yours, Rain, about the moon photos.

    Love,light, peace, and hope, Margaret

  7. Sort of like the person I used to be. When I was fun and actually dressed up and went to a party. Now I'm an old souless party pooper!

  8. coucou Amie Margaret....
    le devoir de memoire..
    la vie continue dans le souvenir que nous avons de ceux qui nous quittent...
    je dois t'avouer que ça me retourne toujours un peu...
    c'est aussi l'approche de l'hiver et la nature se met en veille...
    ton post sur l'automne etait tres beau ...
    merci Margaret ...:o)
    je t'embrasse bien fort...
    take care of you..

  9. Lovely tribute! Thanks for sharing

  10. Hi Sharon! Now you put all that creativity into your illustrations! They are so full of life and joy and that kind of kid fun! I know what you mean about dressing up for Halloween, though. It was so mysterious! and you got to change character! Well, we can shoot for Mardi Gras! xxox
    Coucou Clo! Je sais exactement ce que tu veux dire. Les souvenirs aident mais le sentiment prend du temps de dissiper. Ja'i vu comment tu a fait les photos de rose: avec tellement de tendresse comme un coeur blesse. L'hiver peut aussi nous donner l'emoi de beaute, des fetes, de vie interieure... Je te souhaite tous les meilleurs, Clo, avec mes meilleurs voeux, M. xxox
    Hi Blues! Thanks! Congratulations on the new baby! Let me know when the coat's done! ;( I know, bad joke! Also, congratulations for getting out of Farmville. That thing drove me crazy! Good luck with all, M.
