Photo courtesy of Tess Kincaid, creator of Magpie Tales
by Margaret Pangert from the Creative Writing Circle at A Life Well Lived
Chantal was going to be presented to the Duc D'Orleans that evening. Her skin had been pumiced and polished, her hair made up into a chignon with a string of pearls following its curve.
It was now time, and two valets came for her. They placed her on a long, wide board and sprinkled parsley on her navel.
Chantal was taken into a high-ceilinged, brocaded drawing room, and she crossed her thighs voluptuously. Bertrand--fully dressed in velvet jacket and pants--slowly walked up to her. He bent down and licked the parsley from her navel, replacing it with an emerald. He continued to lick her body, each time marking the place with a diamond or a ruby.
Bertrand then lifted Chantal up and began dancing the tango with her, a sharp, small knife hidden in his turned-up sleeve. He began to dramatically tease her with the knife, making small nicks here and there on her body that drew blood. Each time she flinched and gritted her teeth but continued to dance.
At the end of the evening, Chantal went home with a cache of emeralds, rubies, and diamonds.
Magpie Tales is the vision of Tess Kincaid. If you would like to participate, just post your poem or vignette--based on Tess Kincaid's photo prompt--on your blog and link back to http://magpietales.blogspot.com.