I thought of the beach today.
I remembered the warmth, the freedom, the sound of the crickets,
The luscious book, the delicious cold water,
The heat engulfing the night.
Larger and larger it loomed.
The sea was glimmering with sparkles!
The air shimmered in the sunset!
The shells were spun of pure gold!
But now I hear the crackling of the fire,
Smell the aroma of simmering cider,
See a panorama of turning leaves,
And think this too will be bittersweet.
Beautiful words Margaret! Maybe it because of the changes during one year that we appreciate it so much. If the weather was the same all year it would have been boring. Even if we could stay at the beach all day...
ReplyDeleteHello Margaret
ReplyDeleteyour first image grabbed me and I was carried along on your words like those frothy waves tossing the shells onto the sand...
Beautifully done Margaret. I love the depth of field in the first image too...
Happy days
Very well said.I could feel the transition of seasons. Beautiful visuals as well. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteYou express your words well in paintings Margaret. Each season has it's glory days and it's bittersweet days for me!
ReplyDeleteHi, Margaret,
ReplyDeleteAre the first two images originals you did recently? Both are evocative of the crepuscular shore. I love the photo of the fiery leaves.
Margaret: I love the third photo of the brilliant red leaves. The trees certainly make sure they go out with a 'bang'.
ReplyDeleteHi Margaret! Bittersweet...my favourite chocolate bar! :) I know what you mean though, as each season passes, so does a part of me, passing along with it. But how exciting is it when a new season begins? The red leaves are so warm, the leaves are starting to turn here too! Take care!
hi margaret - lovely work - especially the second image down!!! that just hums for me!!!!! the words are very much in people's minds and bodies now as the summer warmth is a memory for us here in the northern hemisphere. mind you, i'll gladly take the beautiful sensorial experiences of autumn in exchange!!! have a lovely day margaret. steven
ReplyDeleteHi Margaret
ReplyDeleteevery season brings its own joys and pleasures. Dreaming is a gorgeous self-indulgence, living in the moment is what we are told to do by all the experts.
Have a happy week.
ReplyDeleteI love the new piccy...
now I can see you better my friend...and your beautiful face matches your heart...
Happy days
Winter follows Fall and Ocean vacations follow Winter. And someday the vacation will be during all four seasons!
ReplyDeleteHi Gry! You are right. I love having all the seasons. My sister lives in Hawaii where nothing ever changes. It's just one or two of those days when you look back with nostalgia. xxox
Hi Delwyn! That first one is my favorite, too. My idea for the second was to be so incredibly dazzling you just had to have it!
Thanks for the compliment re my new profile picture! Funny, everyone seems to like that one, whereas I like to feel I'm looking "glamorous!" xxox
Hi Blues! You have all the seasons in Missouri, too, don't you? Albeit milder, I think. Thanks for the compliments.
Hi Wanda! I would think you feel it right in your gut because you're so in step with nature. Thanks for the compliment! xxox
Hi Dan! Yes, those are both of the same part of the shore at sunset. You should visit your brother right about now for the fall foliage! It'll come more fully to him first; then it trickles down here.
Hi Bonnie! The flaming red leaves are so magnificient, aren't they? They make that longing for summertime easier to release! xxox
Hi Rain! your fall has been marvelous so far! That has to help...but still, when we look at the water... xxox
Hi Steven! Thanks for the compliment! Fall is glorious, but there's always that wistful transition.
Hi Friko! Being in the moment: thank you for reminding me because my mind can sometimes chatter away: I need to haul it in. xxox
Hi Sharon! I hear you! Sounds like a plan to me! xxox
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful. The pics are awesome. What an artist you are. I can't wait for our visit. We are gonna have some fun.
Hi Jessie! Thank you for your visit! I just saw Danni's birthday party photos! So beautiful. You looked fabulous. and very busy with those cupcakes! Can't wait to see you! xxox
ReplyDeleteLovely photos, great poem!
ReplyDeleteHello Margaret,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your blog, I love its colors and poetry :)
Salut belle Margaret ! Tu vois... ton appel n'est pas resté vain... Je viens te voir ! J'ai enlevé mon T-shirt Mano negra et mis une belle chemise blanche pour te rendre visite ! ça me va ?...
ReplyDeleteTes collages sont superbes ! Figures-toi que je fais ça avec les jeunes avec lesquels je bosse et je trouve ça très très intéressant !
Ton travail est remarquable ! J'adore surtout le mélange des couleurs ! Du coup, j'en oublie de lire le texte et le message ! Je ne fais que regarder les images... hoouuulaa ! Une seule chose à la fois ! Mais je reviendrais... disait Pinocchio ! Non, sérieux ! je ne viens pas te rendre assez visite alors que toi tu prends la peine, le temps de rentrer sans frapper ! ! !...
Bises Margaret !
Tu fais quoi après...?
Hi K'line! Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you liked the blog! xxox
Salut Jeff! Merci d'avoir repondu a ma requete! Je suis contente que tu as aime mes images de l'ete qui nous quitte.
Le probleme est que le collage dont je t'ai parle n'etait pas celui-ci mais celui qui precede, "Open your mind, James Agee!," date le 28 Septembre. J'ai tellement envie que tu le voie que j'ose te demander ton adresse email. comme ca je peux t'enverrai mon collage. Pour memoire: c'est toi en bas au gauche en train de dire "Ouvre ton esprit" ("open your mind"). J'aime ton grand esprit, ta maniere de penser, la facon dont tu traites des gens avec urbanite--smooth Jeff--toujours avec une attitude honnete. Si j'ai le sourire fige c'est parce que je me sens dans la troisieme galerie. Ce soir je bois un peu du port et je continue de lire dans mon livre L'annee des Merveilles pour mon book club. Et toi? Tu dors--il est cinq heures du matin en France. Fais des beaux reves. Bonne nuit, Marguerite
Hi Saj! Thanks for your compliments! xxox