"I got seven pictures of Buddha
The prophet's on my tongue
Eleven angels of mercy
Sighin' over that black hole in the sun
My heart's dark but it's risin'
I'm pulling all the faith I can see
From that black hole on the horizon
I hear your voice calling me
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain"
~from Mary's Place by Bruce Springsteen

Twig: "Come on, Flame, light my fire."
Flame: "Sorry, but I'm pretty burned out, Twig, and I have to conserve."
Twig: "Please! I just need a spark!"
Flame: "Can't do it, Twig." (exasperated)

Twig: "River, quench my thirst!"
River: "Sorry, but my well has pretty much run dry, Twig, and I have to conserve."
Twig: "Please! Just a drop to wet my lips!"
River: "Give it a rest, Twig." (exasperated)
The two men nod conspiratorially at each other.
Flame and River: "OK, Twig, we'll give it up. Stand in the earthen basket."
The two men come closer, brandishing fire, metal, and water.
Twig, intimidated: "Look never mind! I don't want your fire and water! Please, stop!"
Flame ignites the parchment.

Twig screams over and over in protest. She becomes fainter as the flames consume the parchment.

River pours a vial of water over the remaining embers; all that remains is a pile of ashes.

Twig lifts up the crystals that had generated from the ashes and holds them in the palms of her hands. Joyfully she says, "Thank you, Flame and River, for purifying me, for releasing me into this radiant new entity!"

The Circle of Life

"It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life"
~by Elton John and Jim Rice