Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"I am . . ." poem, inspired by poemcrazy, freeing your life with words

I am the glad color of yellow, being carried rapturously away.
I am the shape of a spiral, spinning in an ever-widening labyrinth on life's river.

I am the movement of flying down snow slopes and rushing rivers.
I am the sound of shrieking, a car without brakes.

I am a maple tree, inspired to paint my own leaves.

My maple tree reaches out to encourage everyone to paint.

Now, most days, I am a gentle, cuddly, napping cat.


  1. Margaret

    you have used your new book to great ends...this is a lovely series and I am hoping it is of Margaret through the ages...

    A very friendly and companionable, gentle cuddly, napping cat...

    Happy days

  2. i am the glad colour of yellow!!! wow margaret that just opens the door for the rest of you to flow through doesn't it!!! lovely words and great pics from your past to open them out!!!! have a lovely day. steven

  3. Is that a whole class photo, with 10 students? I've got 28 kindergartners in my class...what a luxury it would be to teach 10.

    Encouraging kids to paint, draw, dance, sculpt, imagine: this is noble work.

  4. Very beautiful and very well done, thanks Mags

  5. Admirable, words and pictures. Sweet and gentle and cuddly, it's all true.
    Here's hoping that it can remain ever thus.

  6. Margaret, this is a great poem and I love your photos! That book, "Poemcrazy," is one of my all-time favorite books. It's overflowing with inspiration. Happy writing! Blessings!

  7. I like that, "I am a Maple tree, inspired to paint my own leaves." I can relate to that!

  8. Your creative juices aren't just flowing,Margaret, they're cascading, tumbling, overflowing and raging over any and all confining banks! Good stuff.

    Thanks, too, for sharing your photos of different incarnations! Delightful reading and viewing.

  9. Hi Delwyn~ Those are photos of me that I thought embodied the different descriptions of myself I chose for the poem. It was fun! I still don't really get to nap as much as the cat, though! xx
    Hi Steven~ You learn a lot about yourself when you express yourself through poetry. It was a good experience.
    Hi Dan~ This was my afternoon class which always had fewer students. The morning class was in the 20's, but I also had an aide. It is a luxury to have a smaller classroom. I was able to have each child paint a picture at the easel every day and give me a title for it. I could also fingerpaint more, read stories more freely, have more craft projects. I used to air-pop popcorn onto a sheet and use it for glueing onto art projects. Can you imagine the bedlam if you had 30 chidlren?!:)
    Hi Blues~ I'm glad you liked this venture!
    Hi Friko~ That was a lovely comment. Thank you! xx
    Hi Marion~ ISn't this a great world we live in! Inspiring, meaningful photos and words? A Pearl in Black Velvet... xx
    Hi Sharon~ Yes! Just like your mermaid painting her own ocean floor. and the raccoon in the mailbox! xx
    Hi Lynne~ Your poetic imagery here shows you'd like to make a self-discovery poem/image project! Thank you for your comments. xx

  10. Wow! Great words and great pictures. And as BluesVox use to say: Thanks for sharing!
