Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a star is born

A new star is born. ~ The young mother we can't see: ~ They're in Southern skies.


  1. Wow! Sure is pretty. Is that Rose Quartz?! I have never seen one that beautiful!

  2. Hi Gretchen, my muse! Yes, pink or rose quartz. It points north on my Native American prayer wheel (when it's not being a baby star). Thanks for dropping in!

  3. This is beautiful. I love it!

  4. Very beautiful and colorful. Has that good feeling as in a birth. Thanks for sharing that. I do think the chameleon video may be real. Some don't but from what I have read it is possible for them to achieve any of those colors. I like to think he really is that cool. As for the clock, it does display the visitors current time and only my time when I or someone from my time zone visit. I don't know how they egt that done but it's cool. Thanks for sharing and being a friend Margaret.

  5. Thanks, Nurse Jessy! Love ya lots!

    Thanks, Blues~ it does feel like new life (and the post before was death). We should get iguanas or chameleons and find cool colors for them to look at! And yes, the clock works just as you said: it knows I'm in the eastern time zone and tells me what time it is here. This is a great feature! Thnaks for all, Blues~ Margaret

  6. J'aime beaucoup toutes ces nuances de rose, violet, pourpre... Vraiment magnifique !...;-))

  7. Merci, J., je veux que ca soit toujours mysterieux, mon blogue.
    Et Gainsbourg--je n'avais aucune idee qu'il etait mort, et depuis presque 20 ans. Comic Strip a apparu en 1991. Je me souviens quand il etat marie avec Jane Birkin... J'ai beaucoup aime ses chansons. Ciao, M.

  8. Oh Margaret. Everything you do is so ethereal......Beautiful and spiritual. Do you actually take all your own nature pics? They are great. Shelia

  9. The Amethyst is the most beautiful I have ever seen.

