Friday, June 5, 2009

the sun and the moon

The sun has vision, ~ But the moon chips away with ~ Feelings, moods, passions.


  1. The moonlight does have a magic to it indeed. Good to see you back Margaret I have missed your colorful blogs. Hope all is well and thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful, Margaret. I think I must have lead a sheltered life as I hadn't heard of mandalas before. Just had a wander around google and read it up. You have opened up a new world for me, thank you. I'll have a go myself, but - I warn you - it won't be as nice as yours are.

  3. Hi Margaret,
    this image is wonderful - did you make it?
    Happy Days

  4. Waow ! It's like Kandinsky ! I love colors ! Bravissimo for U !
    Ciao Margaret !

  5. POP IN AND WOW.Ilike all of it,did you make it?

  6. I've been looking for you. Glad to see you are back.
    I want to know more about you. Will you explain where these images come from, please. They are very beautiful.

  7. Very nice, Margaret. Good to see you back. I like your new background. Have a great week!

  8. My latest illustration project is going to have the Moon center stage. It is inspiring.

  9. Hi to see you back and with such a lovely post. Hope all is well....julie

  10. There is a reason that slugs are mostly nocturnal. This is a beautiful picture!
    I find it interesting that your quote of the day addresses the sunlight..Very nice!
    Love from Mrs. Slug

  11. Blues Vox and Gry, yes the night sky enchants, "perchance to dream."
    Delwyn, Charmine, Jeff, and Frikos, this is a colorful painting by Delaunay that is comparing "yin and yang" with "The Sun and the Moon." Yes, other abstract painters come to mind like Kandinsky and Klee.
    Marguerite and Julie, glad to hear from you!
    Sharon, make your moon like the logo for "The Honeymooners!" It's so happy!
    Babbler, please do not have your friends do any nocturnal rummaging over here. My husband still has that salt, and I want you all to remain hail and hearty! Love, Margaret

  12. Laurie, the secret to making mandalas is to start at one place, then go directly opposite and create the polarity, and so on. When you reach the center, this should reflect your wholeness. Love, Margaret
